the army is accepting risk in developing of new capabilities in order to prioritize enfamil upgrades of our ground and air systems so that we can put in the hands of our soldiers in the near term a greater and more lethal capability. in the upper right-hand quadrant of the chart you will see a list of the army's top ten modernization priorities. i'm going to break a script here. this important list that as i go through the remainder of this briefing you will see me kind of go in order here ace upon these top ten priorities but these are really important. as you try to understand how we made some choices across our modernization portfolios. these were developed as result of the strategic portfolio analysis review process to prioritize limited modernization funding in order to balance near-term readiness requirements against long-term force development. we call this thus far, spar process allows army leaders to review and address are most critical capability gaps or to make informed decision within existing resources. in the next two charts i will highlight how our budget request suppo