for the oakdale gang, we are seeking 14 individuals be remove ed from enforcementsd 18 remain enjoined. for the western edition gang injunction, which originally enjoined kop, chopper city, and eddy rock, we are asking that 34 members be removed. and that eight remain enjoined. and in this case, we are asking the court to dismiss the case -- dismiss the civil gang injunction against kop because we do not believe they continue in any kind of fullsome or robust way sufficient to keep them enjoined. in norteno, we are seeking 16 to be remove and eight remain enjoyed. dbg/towerside, we are asking 22 be removed, and that 19 remain enjoined. i am happy to provide cop piste of the motion to -- to provide copies of the motion to the committee, and they are somewhat volumes y voluminous. >> and 53 people remain? >> i thought it was 54. that may be correct. but i will get you that figure precisely. >> okay. you are right. it's 53 53 remain enjoined, correct. so i am hoping thathis t provides an overview and a history of san francisco's civil gang injunctions, and that you dederstand that in a ve