recognize pub those he men and women may we meaningful that have the wisdom for problems they'll, enfrustrated with a higher position of responsible rocket and leadership we call them peacemakers shaped by experience and prepared for the new task. so we ask our blessing that on if day a day of joy and deep gratitude we remember for years to come may all god's children thankfully for this day say amen amen >> thank you pastor current my please to introduce the honorable mayor of san francisco mooed mooe thank you deputy and thank you pastor current for perhaps it is appropriate for me to say it is good to be politically alive (laughter) i'm overjoyed to join you greg suhr and commission and also staff and all the officers that are part of this wonderful department family, friends, and especially those who are about to be promoted he congratulate you as well it's been very interesting last four and a half years i want to say i'm here because i know a few of the individuals also but here as part of the support team for our police department and as the 403 mayor of this wonderful city we have a lo