. -- eng asu -- bengie molina beng azzi hearings start wednesday.'m sure you know a lot of people are looking into things and some are saying they've been blocked or intimidated by the state department. chris: what are they trying to get out? what's the buzz? >> what happened in interpreted -- terms of whether they did president extra security and what happened on the day? >> chris: what is the message? >> i can't tell you because no one will tell me. they assure me that waver comes out on wednesday and ensuing meetings will contradict the official line. >> well, fox news -- >> that doesn't mean it's wrong. chris: the whisspl blowers if they whistled on background we could know. >> i'm talking about lawyers that -- i knew you were going to roll your eyes but i think it makes you look good to at least mention it on your show. >> no, i think benghazi is a serious story. we talked about -- >> could you say that a little louder, please? >> benghazi is a serious story. here's the scariest part of it. sources tell me that hundreds of european muslims have