. -- engaism. at the end of the day a lot of people want to have some belief in start isolating themselves from the mainstream, which should not happen. what you should do is to the mainstream to adopt a belief. the first thing is it did not feel like the page was run by the admins. most of the time projects or ideas come from the members. we used -- we did continuous service to ask people what they want to do. it was non-confrontational. i know is that the government. all of that has helped with people making the connection with the page. it was one of us speaking the language and speaking the same feelings we have. people were very excited whenever we make the decisions-- it was one of us talking our language and having the same feelings we have. when we made decisions, should we go do this on the stand or not? and people participate in the surveys. based on the results of the survey, we decided on going and so on. it kept going for months. >> there were other pages that had been developed, at le