engineer mirslim, they were forced to start everything from scratch. they mean for all personnel and the staff of the president's office, without exception, sent special forms for sending lesson questions. when they put the form on his desk and he saw that there were a lot of questions on the form, there were no questions or answers . lock the room and hand over the key to the key holder . i saw the phone in the room ringing. i had written in my resignation letter to the president. i picked it up and saw the voice of the president, elo elo the greetings of mr. saberi, we warm the lovers with the blade of the tongue, not the candle of the whip of our butterflies, he said, i saw exactly another verse of the same poem by saeb, which i remembered or not, which was very attracted by the presence of the mind and the presence of the answer and the literary attention of the president. but in the end, due to some differences of opinion, with cooperation outside the presidential institution , inside the presidential institution, he came to the conclusion that th