the new england cotton jnchts ta -- cottontail, like the sage grouse, is an indicator. rick ambrose told me he has never seen so many birds and critters on his property since the time he moved there in 1990. that's a preview of the epic collaboration happening across 11 states. 60 million acres of sage grouse habitat on public acres aalone. i think it's about 165 acres that has been winnowed away and threatened by a variety of sources over the course of many decades. so on or before september 30th, 15 days away, the fish and wildlife service will make a determination on whether the greater sage grass should be listed under the endangered species act or whether a listing is not warneranted. i will say that seven coresta s core states in particular, the effort on behalf of states, private landowners, nonprofit organizations, energy companies, developers, transmission companies, grazers, ranchers, cattlemen, has been incredible. so i will remain optimistic and hopeful that we can have a similar outcome but we are all waiting for the fish and wildlife service to make their