. >> welcome to engleside, i am a native san francisco and i have been living in the mayalona park and it is nice to see you in the community and it is a nice turn out given the fact that there is a thing called the world series going on somewhere. and i know that i have two minutes, i just wanted to actually came here to welcome the newest member of your, (inaudible) melara and she knew that i was come and didn't show up. and i am here because i have dealt with the last three, commanding officers at, ingleside and i understand pretty well what the department has to deal with and we have the greatest police chief that you could ever want, i know that he does not want me saying that. but that is a fact. and i dealt with him, and i watched him both in the black and the brown community and i know how much respect he has given us and i have asked the things that i thought that nobody is going to respond to something like that and he has always responded in a positive way and i want to say that first of all. and so again, i have a decent grasp of what this department, and the rank and file