away from public employees the right to unionize to protect themselveses against those arbitrary engrossments? >> there's essentially no competition. a company is in a sense, the unions compete for the hearts and minds of the workers in the private sector, and if you don't do a good job of taking care of your employees, you run the risk of unionization. on the other hand, the check on the unions is competition. if the unions ask for too much, then you'll be at a competitive disadvantage. the public sector doesn't have that competitive disadvantage because they can continue to go back to the taxpayers for more money. that's exactly what we see happen. [applause] >> no further questions, your honor. [laughter] >> you may step down, mr. mackey. [applause] >> all right. let's call the next witness. for my next witness, i'd like to call mr. steven greenhut. [applause] >> please, ladies and gentlemen, please. >> mr. greenhut, do you swear on this copy of the "wall street journal" to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help you god? >> not on the international editorials, b