&pcustomers.how tablets are - enhanciig he shopping - experience. 3 ((break 3)) 3 3 petailers noo consumers use their smartphones and tablets to research productt anddhuut & make that parttof the -3& experience ii brick--nd-mortar shopss karin caiff has a look future, in today's consumer watch - watch 3 touch screens are the trend in mmbile phones and finniig uses for that same -3 technnlogy, inside stores.what together an outfit to see how & everything ooks together, while you're righh there in the store. so you might start with a particcalr shirt, match it wiihha pair of jeans.the nationallretaal federation shoo in new york showcased a number offpracticcl uses like aimed aa large appliance retailers, highhighhing priccng, features, and more, evennwithout the iiems physically being innthe store. 3 mmchine that can give pcnsuuers nutritional details before they make a selection. they're really caaering to know that almost every person has smartphone and it's going to beepart of theeway 3 whicc has partneeed withha number of majorrbranns for new pigh-tech ideas, says iits not just about the