plinttffsssay tteyy - juut wnn iinorrattin thhy'rre - ennitled to.33::5 aal e're - aakknggfoo is aafairrplaying3&pfield. we ant to present ouu 33&pcaae on aa air pllyiigg - fieel.....innwhichhweecooppee -33 agaanss"the staae spent some -3 off haa money on a -3pcountersuii.... arettalaaion 3 buuiiess goup.33::2 ""ido & ccnsiier haa ttheat.""a-3 phreet.""3:32 ""ido onssderr 3& osssddthe tate'ss uit out oof powneer adda right to ssee... 3reason tte ffist menddmnt -&peeiits iss o makk ureethooe 33&pthere''snnw rrasonntoobelieve -3 paising conccrns aboot ttee "city's bnn ratingg... --if -& aataa break..... becauss it &would "be cclcullted inn tee -3pcitt's geeeeal debt roofie.."&p(bitt wth ssokees)09:4773663thee ostt kkep aaddng up.... whhieethe legall aatleeplays rrocrdd.....waggssoo.melinda &ptee....p cooing up.... -3 3& home ffr thh playoffs foo tte &ptteir faas o win sndda'ss ((brrak 3)) p33 bbuue cunniigga -3&p oomngg p in our 66-3&pp'clook hourr.. she as n & nats f kelll iigingg... &pand now.. se''swwiihiig inn n -ppou wwaa haappned to kelly -& plarkksn's reeord ssaes...whee - phee nddosed g-o