then ennoble nation, believing in peace, extends the hand of friendship and says, there is room in the world for both of us. now, i think that in 1963 is what happened and what he accomplished. he had the vision of how the world might be. way back, before he even ran for governor or president. so, i think that is an interesting thing to understand, that he was his own strategist. these documents are then truly a great resource in addition to his letters and his speeches and his own diary. and, as we put them together in this book, we have realized that he is the only person who knows, not only what he is saying to the public which not everybody is hearing. 85% of its communications are outside of his formal press conferences by the no's what he is writing. he knows what he is saying in meetings that are classified, that people can't talk about, and he knows what he is riding in letters to the soviets, so he has got this whole picture. nobody working for him and no member of the public, no member of the press has the total picture that he has. he worked for a long time on achieving his