elements, those that were injured in the tack are being treat ed in hospital, the mexican president enrico peÑa neitoemned the tack on his twitter account describing it as a tragic defense. john hulman gave us the reaction from the mexican government. >> reporter: it's late sunday here, so there have been no government officials actually coming out to speak about this. but there have been statements especially on twitter the mexican president said that he was demanding a thorough investigation from egyptian authorities over what has happened here and he's also said that he is adding to the diplomatic sort of personnel in egypt to attend to the people that have been injured in them. of coursthis. of course he has to say those two things the reality is there isn't much of a diplomatic relationship between egypt and mexico what, there is is a positive trading in one trail things. so the repercussions of this, what seems to be a than i can sort of accident more than anything, don't at this stage appear to be something that's going to magnify in the coming weeks. >>> tensions are still high around the com