one man's trash is another man's building materials expert enrique marquez he calls it in mining practically everything in this apartment is recycled over recyclable not the other sorts of our material resources on earth are limited. and. there's only so much copper building sand and so on that's a fact so we're slowly reaching a point where there's not that much left we need a solution and the only one that works is a circular economy and yet the shit out of it off hand they so for example the rooms are fitted with carpets that a manufacturer can later take back and refurbish into new carpets take those small with them go on these to you don't buy the car big you just rent it because the manufacturer will want it back at some point so seem to be all you have it seeks most of the materials here can be fed back into the system so that the same product or something different can be created from the go over to the piano is tools. but to maintain this kind of cycle the buildings need to be designed in the right way. that all of you have to be able to disassemble the building into its individual