counter-terrorism became a top priority, and yet, at the same time, we were confronted with a rash of wrongdoing, from enron to world qualm -- worldcom. we had to prioritize, and we did. today, we continue to combat the risk of attacks by terrorists. we want to protect our communities from fraud and violent crime, as well. . there are many lenses to view the financial crisis, from financial institutions that traded in risk itself, lenders and real estate professionals who sidestepped the practice, homeowners, whose purchases exceeded their pocketbooks. the rest is central in this crisis, much of what led to the financial meltdown was the result of a failure to properly invest -- assess the risks, risks to investors, risk to home owners and the economy at large. there are those who intended to defraud others. in part, the sub prime lending crisis they have been more a matter of greed. the prevailing thought process seems to be that everyone is making money, why should we miss the boat? when it did, some tried to patch the holes with tape, and bail out the water with dixie cups. the fbi plays a role in addressing this crisis. we do so