ension,.../ , and... hedge funds...///ááhe'sáá calling for... tougher penalttes.../ and.... big enough sharr.../ of... the market ...to & affect prices. obama says: "we can't afford a situatioo where some speculators can reaa milllonn while millions of ameeican familiee get the sort end of &pthe stickk stick"boehner saas: "if hee believes ttattthe oil market issbeing manipuuated... wheee's his ederal trade commission? where's the sec? he's got agenciee there." there."reppblicans say.../ one answer ...tt is... more... &pdomesticcenergy production..../ ááaaá solution ...they say... the president...// isn't... purssingg 3 foo45's... pump patrol... can elp you... find... the lowest gas prrcee... where you live...//. áágoáá.... oo.. fox bbltimore dot com ... ann... click on... the pump patrol logo. baltimore city police have 3 quadduple shooting that killed a 12 year old last summee. summer. 3 police say derrick bbown, annwan mosely and danyae robinssn have been charged with first-degree 3 of 12-year-old ean johnson. p investigattrs ay neiggbors helped identify the suspected kil