president was sitting there and he had to agree with everything that was being said and in fact he enspired it. this is as outrageous as you can get, even for rush. >> rush unintentionally said something that isn't true. mike huckabee, the tea party, and all these other losers who have lost the elections, lost the party, only are in congress because of gerrymandering and they are talking to their own people and have lost the hearts and minds of this country. so whether it's gay rights and marriage equality, whether it's the role of women, whether it's people who can make stupid comments about rape, look at it all the way down the line. how did the roman catholic bishops do based on the fact that he thinks women ought to have the ability to get contraceptives on their insurance policies? they continue to fail but they are rolling the clock back into the era of reconstruction and trying to carve off part of this country as a separate entity, almost as if the civil war had not been fought. i don't think it's a coincidence that rush limbaugh and these guys are gearing their messages to gin up t