what he absolutely enstilled in us and required was that we be professional.idn't matter whether it was quote just your fellow students seeing it. >> being professional is what he's all about. >> at 12 he started his career on what is now kffo. he was one -- hosted his own show while in the army, was the news director, and created the show you are watching right now, "update news." >> but he say it is best feeling is seeing his students succeed. >> i have always felt my value is my students x. so i am so proud of students like valorie that represents the full illment of my ideal. >> before departing he blew out his kand expel said it was a day to -- kand expel candle and said it was a day to remember. >> and he said he wishes he would turn 90 more often. >>> the library is a quiet place to study except when fire alarms go off and students are forced to leave. >> alarms rang tuesday night inside mlk. eight fires surrounded king library and were ready for the --trucks surrounded the library,. >> it was atribute today a false alarm on the lower level. the fire al