stet bksks and the ultrrich pay their fair shaha of taxes, pride e ving wages ccwowoininpeop, ensurerequal pay foromen. thlassll cone to disar unless we l%vee ayafifid. 's time e w forothe rocky timeow 3 minutewein about 1fic update weath . . youou nene weather and traffic 3 's timimw for the ck moununin hondaealers spopos rerortrt.a the n-l oung cbineundedeay --ith 0 pcts okok to achve their n n-l dream 4- but fothe broncoco i i ses its hard tthinout sc- a pple really wt to knois if peytonan will reti or ay another year. john elwayay aressed the media agon's eth h ytytytple ts a ae d good talk. d as i said, aft the ga we're gnanae e him mu time ase neededan stilnes me more timemeso wee a ford him t tt time's dved at aft 18earsthiseague e be able to, aord him that time f fure ouwhat hwas 3 meile -% manng not the on manning not meahilele meile -- m mngng t onlyocus.. 3 as onow e e e cos an t holdffopenegottion wjuartba bck osweij untilanniad fure...liliee or stayit team. "w"ware not in rush lili you said there is 12 days s dodot feel like e are in a rush there swewewel ntinue oe peytonhat n