panel and this panel i was thinking about social and emotional learning and i see that as a double entand ra. i think it's also a negative thing and this is why. there is a lot of social and emotional learning going on in these schools and especially around the group of individuals suspended and expelled at alarming rates and things of lesser things and goes back to messaging. what type of messaging situations are we imparting on these kids that get suspended for a couple of days and feel guilty or don't have the opportunity to express themselves and for the social emotional training they didn't receive up to that point? and don't know how to deal with it and get in trouble for reacting the way the culture decides is non conforming so i say that to say this and i like the comments and i don't find myself often agreeing with district attorneys but i like the last comments and i would regurgitate some of the comments for us to think about going forward and not necessarily having an agenda but what we all want, so they went something like this in terms of what we can do. i don't like it when pe