the bill changes that ten years when the loan is repaid and number four, prohibits hrsa to using par entel financial information to determine student need. i think we have some agreement on the numbers two and three but not on how one and four and i can understand why we would agree using parental financial information to determine student need is not a good idea because we do want this to be for the needy students, not for just everybody. and so i want to concentrate a little bit on those other points because i think they are very important. the default rate of 18% if we reduce debt default rate from 18% then there will be less money coming into the program and they said just 300 people would not receive aid and i just don't think it's a good idea to make a default rate equal to the current interest-rate. what we are doing is worrying about those who've defaulted. what we ought to be worrying about is what kind of prevention we have to keep them from defaulting. we want them to be encouraged to continue to pay their loan, not to default on their loan and get a mere 5.6 interest rate on it