and even through the gallery and what it does is confer to be a gallery referred to the enterceptic air, with the hospitals and sickness and deaths maybe. and then you will notice this air is clean and safe in any materials and therefore you start to question the space as well. is it safe here? are you truly safe? what is this place trying to protect me from? and so this work is really valid. and so this piece is called unflepin and i projected a spectrum on to a landscape and make it even more desirable and so the suggestion is that it can be seen as a promise or perfection, but by turning it upside down you start to question the values again and so, again that is changing and so the ideal landscape can also be interpreted as a optical image maybe, and then this past image really shows the detail of almost of it off the anchor. and it is not that i am really interested in the nature, it is more like the ungraspable aspect of nature that i find interesting and all of the meanings and the myths that people have created for them through time. and i work with that. that is it. >> hi, so ne