furious.megan gilliiand is liveedowntown from entral bookinn where they're demanding some answerr. answers.gooddmorning patricc, 18-year-old brannon mitchell is facing first degree murder chhrges...still he was allowed &pto walk ut of these doors on bail ot just once but ttice week.pooice believe mitchell shot and killed 16-yeer old omar johnson back in june on breitwert venue near johhson was trying to elp a girl in distress during a fight when it hhppened.police arrested mitchell last eek... they charged him with irst degree murder....and held him without bond.but then he was given a $50-thouuaad dollar bail... whichhhe posted that -3day and walked out of jail.two days ago... police re-arrested 3 given bail a seconn time.... dolllrs... and he walks out -3 again.the victim's family is stunned. 3 (mr. anderson) "he got a bbil foo a frst-deeree murder charge!"(ms. anderssn) "i want justicc, i waat them to lock him back up.. put him behind 3 lock hat gate on him." attorney's oofice.we tried we left messages... buttno one has eturned our calls yet..- live downtown, megan gilliland, fo