we meet one entrepreneuraun traentrepreneur hi figured how to focus on the fun stuff. that's coming up next on "your business." >>> small businesses are revitalizing the economy, and american express open is here to help. that's why we are proud to present "your business" on msnbc. >>> hi everyone. i'm j.j. ramberg and welcome to "your business," the show dedicated to helping your small business grow. so many of us start out of companies because we love the thing we want to sell. whether that's a product or a service. and then we start our companies and realize that so little of our time is actually spent on that thing. we're too busy handling payments and accounting and doing all of the administrative work. sound familiar? that was the case for one new york native who decided to start a hip-hop bus tour while her heart was with creating the trips that riders would love she found herself stuck handling all the day-to-day tanks that were no fun for her so she enlisted help and hasn't looked back since. >> reporter: b boys, graffitiat the front of the bus. >> thank you,