we had established, with the ledge literacy for environmental justice nursery on ybi, as the access to that government more and more challenging with the work on yvi that currently is around the old jag building on avenue h. we're looking to maintain that throughout construction and particularly through the reestablishment period on yvi. and it is a program that we may be able to incorporate into it the agriculture farm footprint in the future. that whole agricultural farm footprint is also to be determined. how we program that acreage is still ahead of us for exploration too. >> thank you. >> thank you. so, mr. beck, i think and also chris, i hope that we will have adequate time. it's taking a lot of time to put this together but i hope that we, as a board, are going to have enough time to really look at it and so, we do get us a draft before the final. i wouldn't want to see the final before us and having spend -- having to vote on it before we've had some time to digest, discuss and really understand the document. i hope that you can do that. >> and i think we fully anticipate this