an incredibly moving speech was given at the graveyard about the enzio beach head. he give the entire speech to the cross is behind it. in my view, we must with respect to direct ourselves almost entirely to the young people of this country. when we speak to them, we are speaking to their parents and grandparents that want the best for them. i think it is a starting point for our recovery that we examined every issue and present every issue in terms of its implications for those who will soon inherit leadership in this country. i come from a state that is an ominous these days. it has been entrusted with leadership. in our state, we are the party of purpose. we are the party that defines the agenda, makes new proposals relentlessly, and then pursues them with all of the vigor we have. we are indebted by the opposition at the moment which can only be described as a reactionary, which helps. they are negative, they are backward-looking, they are everything that we must not be. one day, they will recover their footing and bring forward new ideas. for the moment, that i