eoar is now having all of its courts set up dockets for released children. i think this is really important and a big step towards getting representation for these kids. so here's the other reality about right now. we're really not deporting kids right now. the kids who came in recently during this recent influx, they are not being removed. but -- and this goes back to that earlier panel today, which was pretty much doom and gloom, if things change, we may start seeing lots of kids deported in very significant numbers. so i think we're really faced with two problems when it comes to kids. has that child been able to access protection? and that just goes back to did they get a lawyer? and then even if they have a lawyer, are they going to qualify for any of the forms of relief that are available? because our system for the most part was built for adults. i also think that there's a misconception among some, although probably nobody in this room, but among others that if the child is determined not to be eligible for any form of relief, he'll be safe if he goe