in conclusion oak ridge national laboratory and the other eod national labs stand ready to work with public and private partners to develop and employ innovative solutions to protect the nations grid. thank you again for this opportunity to provide this briefing. i welcome your questions. >> mr. tudor, welcome. i know that senator rish wanted to make a comment before you spoke. >> thank you. welcome to the committee. i've gotten to know mr. tudor in his capacity as associate lab direct at the national laboratory. he is responsible for the lab's national and homeland security mission. and that includes nuclear nonproliferation critical infrastructure protection, obviously very important to this hearing in defense systems missions. he has incredibly impressive res may, which i'm not going to go into here. but he's the right man for the job, and he's the right person for this hearing. so welcome, zack. >> thank you, senator. mr. tudor. >> thank you for holding this hearing and inviting us. i appreciate the opportunity to address this committee and express my utmost respect for your lead