. > uoncompngthe master planning pce, the epartment's initiated with the pament a major environmentalanalysis division in full enviental impact eview procs late in 2008, a tt is our fifth reasoropposing t landmark ecommeatiofor noh be this is eeir e raft library and parks plan is being studied ian exhaustive rossthat looksat the extiactstrfic, ctelin, arcctural resource and the historic sources the ein building aswell asot coerio ese are weigdagainste bef the project wh are many in eof a e, functional libry, acssible st statethat our iary, beautifulrestor rk, safe accessible layground, and tmeous incrse in openspace greenery the lianpas departments havecoisntly ard overwing communit srt or thiplan tha presents t divsity oage use, a culture ofan raisco anobeh. we fha lamarking the cuent building sult used as a meanofelevatg the hisc ct so that it s mo weight than what isbest for the commity. >ood afternoon i cannot help ibut i' srtwh- though, the gi - giants. i'm heretoallyeitete and re the co methat ha aea beede. t does bear peatg-- first ofllwe areveryproud of naging the library imov