there were over a thousand priestesses in ephesus that had sex with the people that came to the temple... the men, and that's the way that they supposedly worshipped this great image of diana of the ephesians. if you've ever seen one of those pictures of this idol, she had... i don't even know, but it was dozens of breasts all over her. she was...and it was just a sexual god and there were people that actually worshipped and they were trying to reach god through all these sensual, carnal ways. well, there are people today that are trying to reach god. like the religious jews of this day, they were...they were seeking after righteousness it says, but they were seeking after the law of righteousness. they were trying to become into right standing with god through their own performance and not through what jesus had done, and it says here that that kind of thing... it does not work. you do not obtain... you can never become righteous... in right standing with god by you adhering to laws and...and committing that you're going to live holy and do these things. i know i'm popping some of you