respect dostoevsky's work, he was what they call: in the mainstream - of other mindsets, why did this epicureanthis life-loving person, why did he suddenly turn to the topic, yes to the painting, which may be, well, it is debatable, what is repin's most famous calling card, you can argue, but probably, if you ask any person on the street, he will say barge haulers on the volga, that's how it happened that he turned to this subject, well, you understand how, for artistic impressions he goes first, so to speak, along the river, he travels along the neva, being a student at the academy of arts, and after some time he goes to the volga, and in a group, so to speak, again with his artists, classmates, among them was fyodor vasiliev, a landscape painter, and his younger brother, during such a trip along the niva, he meets burlakov and this idea is born, and he brings many sketches to the academy of arts. does not read homer, it is no coincidence that images of antiquity, not just beads, so to speak, were very important to him in his work. say, turning to the layers of european, world art, he was a ve