i tunes merriam congratulations on the film and welcome thank you for having your report in the epoch times caught our eye you quoted a long time google software engineer turned quibble blower who says the censorship that is being applied to alternative health is daemonic i've been following the happenings in new cures that are being suppressed at the same time establishment big corporate pharma websites like web m d r about opera lies in the 1st page of results what's terrifying is that many of these establishment medical articles landing on the 1st page do not even have a stated author and make assertions that are contradicted by science merriam give us the next level of detail about how google censors and shadow bands and blacklists alternative health news i reached out to zack for he's the google whistleblower to see if you could confirm a lot of my findings a whole bevy of us in the alternative health were. old that are really challenging the mainstream narrative when it comes to western medicine and challenging big pharma have been suppressed by google and i call this techno fascism s