>> social entrepreneurs are entrepreneurs disrupting the equill ibrya in our societies. that sound fancy, but they are working on the issues that graca machel described - issues of child nutrition, issues of child mortality, issues of child empower. and education. heath access and equity. all those issues come together for social entrepreneurs. they find innovative solutions that often have at their heart partnership and collaboration with the communities they serve. >> how does that differ from the aid model we are familiar with and why do you find it more preferable than the aid model. >> that is a politically charged question. i think after the world war ii, we actually developed a model development that served us well through the martial plan, but put in place a paradigm that has come to be highly formed. this paradigm looks at technocratic solutions that can be delivered top down to the west to the developing world and ultimately communities had no stake in their solutions. i could rattle off a number of social entrepreneurs working in every field that see the colla