what's the equivalencequivalenc? were those not campaign trips? what's the reason? >> presidents have the ability to use air force one and all the tools of the fellow government to do official business. and when you look at almost all of the presidents, they find official business to do along with their campaigning. but this one does not pass the straight-face test. you know it and i know it. so it's time for the obama campaign to pony up and reimburse the treasury. >> mr. speaker, hthe white hous issued a veto on the security act yesterday. >> my belief is the government ought to control the internet, government ought to set standards and government ought to take care of everything that's needed for cybersecurity. they are in a camp all by themselves because whether it's private industry, whether it's other parts of the government, understand that we can't have the government in charge of our internet. and that the bills that we're moving this week are common-sense steps that will allow people to communicate with each other, to work together, to build the walls tha