our city realized that we were the beneficiaries, five other counties where we had what was access erafunding. because of the money that we sent to sacramento, this was set up to avoid really having the chair in the full burden of education funding. supervisor walton knows that being a school board member intimately. so we find out that we have this additional money and formula for which this calculation has been done has not been adjusted ever in a really long time. so we fill that bucket and that bucket gets filled down with the city. and we say, we have money to spread around. that money has risen to over 350 million dollars. without that funding, we would be any crisis. and to be on record about making resolutions and stating the will of this body, we did that. we made a resolution, to put 50% of funding. we have not achieved that. so in my mind, this is not a budget set aside, it's the adjustment that needs to be made over decades. at the height, we'll be putting aside up to 60 million dollars. schools that can go raise a million dollars to fund mental health and fund educational s