. -- supervisor avalos: supervisor mirkarimi: i also want to acknowledge eric asada. i met him in 1990, recently out of chico state. we worked directly in immigrant rights work at the time. i also remember eric. although he was 25 years old, he had tremendous maturity to bring different organizations together and to build new -- build mutual respect and trust between different communities. he had a tremendous motivational impact on young people, whether it was coaching them in soccer or motivating them to become revolutionaries or activists their whole life -- i know his children must miss their daddy so much. he touched our life in many ways. a true internationalist in many campaigns he worked on. i know he loved cuba. he had the ability to build organizations with regular people in democratic ways, and to link it with a national or global movement. the work he did with the mission district really empower residents to take environmental justice into their own hands and to fight for a better life and better world. with economic justice, i was working with the asia-paci