again, has bala, eric bala, frequently has the accusation feels that the chord or targeting its minister is more than other ministers. and then you'll have to go on the other side saying that the, the court is, is doing its job and personally justice and, and that has bala and its allies have a lot to lose amens that trying to obstruct the courts. but it's not just as bullet by the way you had actually refused to comply with the court. steven ministers on the anti hezbollah side, who were of such as not much knew who was very close to had 80 pro western coalition was also recently rejected. participating in the court. so, you know, i think this high level ministers from both sides of the political, divine lebanon, have refused to cooperate with the court. although it may be some to make the case that more ministers from the v. we can pro, has well as i have been focused on and people will say that because they are currently in the government. but these are also passed ministers who have been ministers of finance for example, and transport. so not, not intimately responsible for the day d