eric brooks, californians for energy choice, and our city san francisco. we were preparing comments, important comments, which we tried to email you this morning. not sure if you got them or not. it was very hard to do that when we only saw this report two days ago. and so, first the positive. this is an excellent report. it's got all kinds of key information that we need to build a renewable energy network in san francisco. but this is not the renewable energy plan that we have been asking for for 15 years. this is not a plan. we do not believe that the sfpuc can be the agency to draft a plan. this -- this report does not create a plan to include energy efficiency, demand response, smart meters. and all of the diversified research, all planned as the sydney, australia, plan that you have all hopefully seen now to be integrated together as resources to get us to 100% local renewables and regional renewables for san francisco within 10 years as the ipcc recommends urgently. this just isn't that. and we don't blame the san francisco utilities commission for