you know, i think working with the contractor, eric g., they have to be commended for how proactively they tackle the issue from the beginning. there are remaining steps there are remaining steps, although we dealt with the issue in the field. the issue is what caused the breakdown of this machine. we believe strongly it was the fact that the machine's gearbox, and the contractor was responsible for the incident. we did receive a changeover request from the contractor, launching a receding shaft, but nothing about the incident itself. if a changeover request was to be submitted and if we were not able to negotiate an outcome, we would go to our dispute resolution board. we have one of those for every process. we have started having discussions on what we could change to avoid this in another project. i just wanted to share, before i end, a few photos so you can see the actual work. like a said, within a week, we were digging and new shaft. we are very fortunate. the machine actually broke down under a small island in the middle of the creek, making it less interested in minimizing the