eric kantor was taking a lot of money from wall street, and people rose up and they elected david bratt's happening more and more around the country. we're seeing the beginning of something extraordinarily important. >> you quoted louis brandeis. let me quote tip o'neill who once said that all politics is local. that might be the answer to the question i want to ask now. i still want to ask it to get your take. why is it when we see things like a fight for 15, it catches fire at the local level but we can't seem to get any traction on that at the federal level. >> first of all, at the federal level right now, we have all -- basically -- certainly two elected branches of government under the republicans and that means even more under the thumb of big business and wall street. and it looks like a majority of the supreme court, i hate to say this, but they are republican appointees, the majority. but that's not always been the case. occasionally we do get these grou groundswells of progressivism, usually in the democratic party, but not always, teddy roosevelt was a progressive. it's possi