it eight billion dollars of new york fed cast american dollars onto a plane airlifted to iraq and it promptly disappeared oh and by the way eric king of erik prince of blackwater just happens to be now living the gov the big life there in the middle east i wonder where that money went well you're more likely to get the same exact sort of paradigm that played out in tahrir square which is remember what mubarak said at first first he met the people in a televised address saying well make a few little changes that was basically our have a commission to investigate whether or not there's been any fraud or corruption or torture and then he said there will be chaos if i step down this is a classic technique that the new york fed the u.s. spent the banks for occupiers always claim there will be chaos if we leave the scene of a threat they did in two thousand and eight famously with hank paulson in front of congress and they've done it every few months since the debt ceiling is another example in the middle of one right now you know there will be chaos they'll be careful if you give us more of your money and let us run roughshod over the political system and steal eve