so please welcome eric larson to the festival of books! [applause] >> very good to be here again. >> let's start with the question raised by the title of our session here, and that is: is social security a manufactured crisis? >> the short answer is, yes, there is no existential crisis that social security faces in the sense it will not exist in x number of years if something drastic isn't done. but there's two crieses we talk about. number one is a fiscal crisis. will it we have enough income or revenues to support nit future years, and the second crisis is a political crisis, and i define that as a crisis in terms of whether the, for lack of a bert term, the governing class in this country wants to support social security anymore, and the degree to which there is sufficient popular support, mobilized popular support for it, that it has to continue. so i'll address the fiscal crisis first because that's the one that is in the media all the time. to define this agent more closely, social security deps on two sources of income. payroll taxe