. >> again, eric mankey with the office of the treasure and tax collector. i'm here to seek an approval for our office to spend $926,000 for the california student aid commission. this funding will go to support the kindergarten to college program. just as a way of background, this was started in 2011 based on research that shows kids with college savings for up to seven times more likely to attend college if they have a college savings account. since 2011 kindergarten to college has automatically opened more than 42,000 accounts for students when they begin kindergarten. including we just opened 11,000 new accounts this year. the city and county provides $50 as an initial deposit into that account, and we use private funds to incentivize families to further save. the incentives work. since the inception of kindergarten to college, families have saved $4.6 million into those accounts. if you include the city funding we have a total of $7 million in those accounts. what this grant will do is allow us to continue to do outreach and continue those incentives. a