this is hands, eric melanie. he's been analyzing the end of last batch remarket for yes. so if you get material for free and then you process it, then sell it to market price, you able to use it and make a lot of money and you will most probably make more than many mining operations. but if for cycles, what need to pay for the batteries? the economics get shaky? this could mean recycling is more expensive than just mining new materials. and this isn't the only issue for commercial size ponds. another challenge, other materials using the battery itself. it could be a whole bunch of combinations, lithium, ion phosphate, lithium, manganese oxide, lithium, the cold, cold, minium, or lithium, nicole manganese cold. and the last one even comes in different compositions. 121-216-2222, or h 2121. and it's the wild west out there when it comes to bed 3, manufacturing, which makes it more difficult to build payloads commercial plots. you have to build them for the largest possible amount of the individual material. like because i think of a long one. for instance, the race to, to t