my web site, let me say eric, but my story is right there, and there's a video. but i know immediately somebody recommended to me the book of chuck coulson, and i had this dim memory from watergate being a kid, and i started reading "loving god," the most extraordinary example of all his books, i thought. and i thought, who is this guy? ivy league graduate, office next door to the president of the united states, has a profound faith conversion. clearly not phony, clearly the real deal, clearly intellectually honest, extremely bright. so i read his book, i finally had the opportunity -- i graduatedded yale in '84 -- graduated yale in '84, and he was speaking at the yale law school. so i drove back to new haven to hear him speak. i handed him a children's book with a letter just telling him what i thought of him. within days i got a letter back from him, i couldn't believe it. my hero, this guy, wrote me a letter. and he said something about keeping in touch. and i thought, oh, sure. and about a year later they were looking for writers and editors for break point,