so let me turn over now to eric patterson for some opening framing remarks. but at the bar good evening. it's a pleasure to be here with you tonight on a half of our president tom farr and all of us at the religious freedom institute. it's a pleasure to be here and we're honored to work with museum of the bible in our partners the heritage foundation on this project. our mission at rfi is that we're committed to achieving worldwide acceptance of religious liberty is a fundamental human right a source of individual and human flourishing a cornerstone of a successful society. and as a driver of national and international security when the reason that we're here tonight is because ideas have consequences. you all know that and we believe in accurate history. and there's no more assailed moment in our history than those early years when people were coming to the united states as early colonists around 1620 and there's two framings of this happening one is the accurate history that's been happening for for the last three centuries recognizing the sacrifice of the