. >> hi, eric rosenberg here: you talked about your perceptionsover an increasingly disordered world out there, i was wondering if you could talk about the trend lines of nuclear proliferation, and then if i could sneak in a second question on chinese, in march there was a lot of friction with china's naval forces. >> right. >> how are those trends today, and how did you diffuse those? >> yeah. well, i think on the first one on nuclear weapons, i think that's an extraordinarily serious topic, the proliferation of nuclear weapons, proliferation of nuclear technology. you know, we have a couple of countries that are as panels for nuclear capability, but i think the biggest concern is the technology, where that technology may be, and can that then fall into the wrong hands? and when you get the nexus of that technology and extreme nonstate actors, that's a pretty dangerous mix. so that to me is one of the great concerns, and will that proliferation take place in the maritime domain? that's one of the reasons why i believe that as nations come together and engage in maritime security con