your attorney general eric schneider man calls a cloud common sense legislation that will stop the flow of plastic iam design beauty products into our maya watters preserving our natural heritage for future generations. this certainly isn't the first time in my room and talking cosmetic chance to put in her demands administration recently came out costing the. i guess using antibacterial soap that's because they can turn a campaign aide europe killing ingredient called chai close and the chemical is also found in body washes to pacing and the utterance among other toiletries. since they were fst used in the seventies consumers have sworn byheroducts promoting a germ free lifestyle. but now the fda doubts they are moreial an regd soap and water. the steel support for scientific warnings that the chemical can interfere with normal levels and contribute to antibiotic resistance. and the age old the knights and using sunscreen is also raising environmental concerns. the journal of environmental health perspectives and warned that several tons of sunscreen and as the ocean and land beachgoer