. >> but i eric shirley thought it was one of my kids and then i tried to get you to see. >> we have so many hands. >> starting with the national conference of citizenship as a result of boeing we do have a to those volunteering into latin america that shows a strong correlation between education and civic engagement. i know we don't have the same data set but is a different back then in and why? >> thank you very much for that question but the observation those who have more education that it will be quite as true because there were other institutions that mobilize them. with the unions and the churches. one of my earliest research papers was on the importance of these organizations to mobilize politically. >> iran and we don't have that now. the political party spend as much time as they do with their advocates. >> hq very much. this is wonderful. between to be in the middle of that there is a whole group, a fast group of people, of young people who are not college material. what has happened to the trade schools? at my house i had a washing machine man the telephone meehan the ref