for the central city hospitality house, my name is eric sullivan, i am a board member and also the treasurer of the organization. i think it's important to understand that these cuts don't tell the entire story. the department of public health is proposing a cut of $195,000 from our organization. but we also face additional cuts and also reductions in our revenue and increased costs. on the revenue side, we face not only this cut but also cuts from federal funds. on the expense side, we have higher costs each year, this year in particular we have much higher costs from workers' comp as well as other health care costs. so the funding that we've been receiving has actually been level funding over the last several years and this cut is significant because we have higher costs but our revenues are decreasing. the affect of this cut is significant for several reasons. it will directly impact the ability for the hospitality house to deliver its services. there will be a direct reduction in the number of hours that we'll be operating from 12:00 to 8:00 every day. it also will reduce the services av